ElevateAI Features Hub

Unlocking AI-powered insights for every contact center, everywhere

Tapping into the power of NICE’s market-leading technology to deliver constant innovation, at scale. That's ElevateAI by NICE

Democratizing AI for every contact center

Use pre-built AI models from ElevateAI by NICE to surface hidden insights, enhance customer experience, and deliver agent efficiency improvements across your organization

AI-Powered Transcription

Start for free with 1K free transcripts per day: Automatically convert audio into analyzable text

Enlighten AI & CX AI Insights

Innovate with smart applications that improve your CX using pre-built, proven AI

Generative AI

Decades of industry insights and innovations delivered via free Generative AI

ElevateAI Explore

Uncover the hidden insights in your data via free widget-based dashboards without leaving our UI!

ElevateAI for Legal

Take your Legal Transcription to the next level! Offer the best in Audio eDiscovery, pairing NICE’s market leading transcription and speech-to-text Cloud API technology via ElevateAI for Legal

Generative AI


Replace manual post-call notes with automated summaries supplying intent, actions, resolutions, and sentiment.

Agent Action Items

Create a list of action items raised during the interaction – by OR for the agent

Summary Details

Replace manual post-call notes with an automated, step-by-step accounting of the details of a customer interaction, from start to finish

Interaction Topics

Generate a list of topics raised during customer service interactions

Ask ElevateAI Q&A

A simple Question and Answer function that lets users ask a question, post-interaction, to find an answer to a specific question that was raised during a customer service interaction

Agent Coaching Assistant

Identify opportunities where your agents could improve the customer service experience across, and throughout, your interactions

Conversation Composition

Allows contact center user to identify/isolate the specific issues raised during a customer service interaction and the steps used to address them

Start for Free. Scale Infinitely.